Homework is updated daily and can be accessed through the homework slides on Google Classroom or directly on the homework page by clicking the link. 6th grade Homework Slides: CLICK HERE
Some general announcements:
All work for Language Arts, all pages of grammar and reading workbooks, anything handed in--- must be written in INK AND CURSIVE. Erasable pen is fine.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding homework, please do not hesitate to reach out to me, I am happy to help! You can reach me via e-mail. E-Mail address: [email protected]
ALL REGISTRATION FORMS ARE DUE 2/13- THANK SO MUCH Please return all dance forms and fees Monday, February10, 2025 Please complete handout/ charting please submit hw on PBL GOOGLE CLASSROOM FOR CREDIT iXL DUE 2/17 Topics II2, II5 II7, II4 (DOUBLE i AS IN iDAHO) ITS A HOILDAY DUE DATE In class project 2/10-2/13- 40 point grade Please have all extra supplies with you I have markers and posterboards- presentations 2/13
Friday, February 7, 2025 Please complete page 307 in textbook xl due 2/10 with a 90% smart score topics: p10 p13 jj2 jj8 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill
In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/11-2/12 with presentations 2/13 40 point grade
Thursday, February 6, 2025 Please complete page 301 xl due 2/10 with a 90% smart score topics: p10 p13 jj2 jj8 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Wednesday, February 5, 2025 MAP testing is done!!!!! Please complete page 294 - do all ixl due 2/10 with a 90% smart score topics: p10 p13 jj2 jj8 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively) Tuesday, February 4, 2025 Please have chromebooks charged daily to facilitate MAP testing Please complete page 288 #"s 1-13 show all steps ixl due 2/10 with a 90% smart score topics: p10 p13 jj2 jj8 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are only three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Monday, February 3, 2025 PLEASE CHARGE CHROMEBOOKS FOR MAP TESTINGS Please complete 282 #'s 1-13 REVIEW CLASS NOTES MAP TESTING 2/3-2/5 ixl due 2/10 with a 90% smart score topics: p10 p13 jj2 jj8 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Friday, January 31, 2025 Please complete page 37- show work in notebook MAP TESTING 2/3-2/5 ixl due 2/3 with a 90% smart score topics: y6 y7 z11 z12 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Thursday, January 30, 2025 Please complete page 278 #"s 1-13: Please review notes be able to differentiate between mean, median, mode and outlier vocabulary MAP TESTING 2/3-2/5 ixl due 2/3 with a 90% smart score topics: y6 y7 z11 z12 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Wednesday, January 29, 2025 MAP TESTING 2/3-2/5 Please complete page 271 in textbook - do all ixl due 2/3 with a 90% smart score topics: y6 y7 z11 z12 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 7 test 2/7 There are aonly three topics in chapter so there is only one assessment In class project reflecting on data analysis 2/10-2/11 with presentations 2/12 (tentatively)
Tuesday, January 28, 2025 NO WRITTEN HW STUDENT APPRECIATION DAY ixl due 2/3 with a 90% smart score topics: y6 y7 z11 z12 All topics must be done in assigned week repeated topics must be done to insure mastery of that skill Chapter 6 test 1/29 : decimal/percentage/fraction equivalents, % of change, tax, commission, simple interest calculations. KNOW THE FORMULAS!!!! TAX IS ADDED MARKUP INCREASES PRICE MARK DOWN(SALES) ARE DEDUCTED FROM PRICE . Monday, January 27, 2025 Please study for chapter 6 test. page 265 #'s 12-25 Please have calculators in class for chapter 6 IXL 2/3 y6 y7 z11 z12 with a 90% smart score topics: y6 y7 z11 z12 Chapter 6 test 1/29 : decimal/percentage/fraction equivalents, % of change, tax, commission, simple interest calculations. KNOW THE FORMULAS!!!! TAX IS ADDED MARKUP INCREASES PRICE MARK DOWN(SALES) ARE DEDUCTED FROM PRICE .
Friday, January 24, 2025 Please complete page 267 (even only) Please have calculators in class for chapter 6 IXL 1/27 with a 90% smart score topics: u2 y2 y4 y5 Chapter 6 test 1/29 : decimal/percentage/fraction equivalents, % of change, tax, commission, simple interest calculations. KNOW THE FORMULAS!!!! TAX IS ADDED MARKUP INCREASES PRICE MARK DOWN(SALES) ARE DEDUCTED FROM PRICE
Ordinary Time and Evangelist Kahoot Review posted on Google Classroom. Unit Assessment Monday February 10: Topics Included- Ordinary Time, Evangelists, biblical references, and lectio divina